Get GlobalSign Subscription Order Detail
Service URL:
This method allows partner to get globalsign subscription order detail.
Request Parameters “GlobalSignSubscriptionOrderDetailRequest"
Field Name | Description | Type | Required |
PartnerEmail | SSL2Buy login Email | String (Max Length : 200) | Yes |
ApiKey | ApiKey | String (Max Length : 100) | Yes |
Pin | Pin for the configuration link. | String (Max Length : 2000) | Yes |
Response Parameters “GlobalSignSubscriptionOrderDetailsResponse"
Field Name | Description | Type |
OrderStatus | Order status of GlobalSign. Refer section “Order Status” for different order status. | String |
ApprovalEmail | Approval Email | String |
DomainName | Domain Name | String |
GlobalSignOrderNumber | Global Sign Order Number | String |
StartDate | Certificate Start Date | DateTime |
EndDate | Certificate End Date | DateTime |
ValidityPeriod | Validity period in months | Integer |
ContactDetails | ||
OrganizationName | Organization Name | String |
FirstName | First Name of Contact Detail | String |
LastName | Last Name of Contact Detail | String |
PhoneNo | Phone Number of Contact Detail | String |
Email of Contact Detail | String | |
RequestorDetails | ||
OrganizationName | Organization Name of Requestor | String |
FirstName | First Name of Requestor | String |
LastName | Last Name of Requestor | String |
PhoneNo | Phone Number of Requestor | String |
Email of Requestor | String | |
ApprovalDetails | ||
OrganizationName | Organization Name of Approval | String |
FirstName | First Name of Approval | String |
LastName | Last Name of Approval | String |
PhoneNo | Phone Number of Approval | String |
Email of Approval | String | |
AuthorizedDetails | ||
OrganizationName | Organization Name of Authorized Detail | String |
FirstName | First Name of Authorized Detail | String |
LastName | Last Name of Authorized Detail | String |
PhoneNo | Phone Number of Authorized Detail | String |
Email of Authorized Detail | String | |
AdditionalDomainList | List object of Additional Domain | |
ApproverEmail | Approver Email | String |
DomainName | Domain Name | String |
CSRDetail | ||
DomainName | Domain Name of CSR | String |
Organisation | Organization Name of CSR | String |
OrganisationUnit | Organization Unit of CSR | String |
Locality | Locality of CSR | String |
State | State of CSR | String |
Country | Country of CSR | String |
OrganizationDetails | ||
LegalName | Legal name of the organization. | String |
AssumedName | Public name of the organization. | String |
Email of the organization. | String | |
Division | Division of the organization. | String |
Duns | Duns of the organization. | String |
Address1 | Address of the organization. | String |
Address2 | Second line of the organization’s address. | String |
City | City where the organization is located. | String |
State | State or province where the organization is located. Use the full name instead of an abbreviation. | String |
Country | Two-letter country code for the country where the organization is located. | String |
ZipCode | Zip Code of the organization. | String |
PhoneNo | Phone number that can be used to reach the contact. | String |
Fax | Fax of the organization. | String |
JurictionRegNo | Juriction RegNo of the organization. | String |
JurictionCity | Juriction City of the organization. | String |
JurictionState | Juriction State of the organization. | String |
JurictionCountry | Juriction Country of the organization. | String |
APIError | ||
.. ErrorNumber | Error Number. Refer section “Error Description”. | Integer |
.. ErrorField | Error Field | String |
.. ErrorMessage | Description of errors | String |
StatusCode | Status Code for Response from API i.e 0 = Success Response -1 = Error in Response |
Integer |