Service URL:
This method allows partner to place the order for DigiCert EV SSL Certificate product only.
Request Parameters for “DigicertFullOrderRequest"
Field Name | Description | Type | Required |
PartnerEmail | SSL2Buy login Email | String (Max Length : 200) | Yes |
ApiKey | SSL2Buy API KEY | String (Max Length: 100) | Yes |
Year | Validity of certificate | Integer | Yes |
PartnerOrderID | Partner should pass the Partner order number. | String | Yes |
WebServer | Web Server Use method “GetDigicertWebServerList” to get web server list |
String | Yes |
DCVMethod |
Domain Control Method to Approve Certificate
String | Yes |
DCVScope |
To Approve Certificate (for only DCVMethod = DNS)Possible values:
fqdn = Exact Domain Name(s) (By default) Note: Domain validation scope for domains on the order. Domain validation scope determines the specific domains that you must validate before DigiCert can issue your certificate. Exact Domain Name(s) : This option allows you to validate domains on the order exactly as they are named. Base Domain Name(s) : The option allows you to validate the domains on the order at the base domain level. Validating the base domain also validates all subdomains of the base domain. |
String | No |
ApprovalEmail | Approval Email used to approve certificate |
String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
CSR | CSR to place full order | String | Yes |
IssuingCA | Issuing CA Text from Get Digicert CA Cert List Method (e.g. “DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1 (SHA2-256) > DigiCert Global Root G2 (SHA2-256)") | String | No |
AddDomains | Number of Additional Domains want to secure. Note: Default price is for 3 domains pack. Multi Domain SSL includes 3 domains default pack. If you need more than 3 domains licenses, then only you need to purchase additional domain licenses. | Integer | No |
SanList | Key value pair of SAN Domain and Approval method or emailFor example, {“": “", “" : “HTTPCSRHASH", “" : “CNAMECSRHASH"} |
Array | No |
AdminContactInfo | Object with information about the admin contact information | Object | Yes |
.. Title | Contact Title | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
.. FirstName | Contact First Name | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
.. LastName | Contact Last Name | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
Contact Email | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes | |
.. PhoneNo | Contact Phone Number | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
TechnicalContactInfo | Object with information about the technical contact information | Object | Yes |
.. Title | Contact Title | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
.. FirstName | Contact First Name | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
.. LastName | Contact Last Name | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
Contact Email | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes | |
.. PhoneNo | Contact Phone Number | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
EVApproverContactInfo | Object with information about the ev approver contact information | Object | Yes |
.. Title | EV Approver Contact Title | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
.. FirstName | EV Approver Contact First Name | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
.. LastName | EV Approver Contact Last Name | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
EV Approver Contact Email | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes | |
.. PhoneNo | EV Approver Contact Phone Number | String (Max Length: 200) | Yes |
OrgranisationInfo | |||
.. Name | Orgranisation Name | String (Max Length : 1000) | Yes |
.. AssumedName | Orgranisation Assumed Name | String (Max Length : 1000) | No |
.. Division | Orgranisation Division | String (Max Length : 1000) | No |
.. Duns | Orgranisation DUNS | String (Max Length : 1000) | No |
.. Address1 | Orgranisation Located Address Line 1 | String (Max Length : 1000) | Yes |
.. Address2 | Orgranisation Located Address Line 2 | String (Max Length : 1000) | No |
.. City | Orgranisation Located City | String (Max Length : 250) | Yes |
.. State | Orgranisation Located State | String (Max Length : 250) | Yes |
.. Country | Orgranisation Located Country | String (Max Length : 250) | Yes |
.. ZipCode | Orgranisation Located Zip Code | String (Max Length : 250) | Yes |
.. PhoneNo | Orgranisation Located Phone | String (Max Length : 250) | Yes |
.. Fax | Orgranisation Located Fax | String (Max Length : 250) | No |
Response Parameters for “DigicertFullOrderResponse”
Field Name | Description | Type |
SSL2BuyOrderNumber | SSL2Buy Order number | Integer |
DigicertOrderNumber | Digicert Order Number | String |
DigicertCertificateId | Digicert Certificate ID | String |
DomainName | Domain Name | String |
DCVMethod |
Domain Control Method to Approve Certificate Possible values
String |
ApprovalEmail | This value is used to approve certificate when EMAIL DCV method is used. | String |
DCVRandomValue | DCV Random Value This value is used to approve certificate when FILE OR DNS DCV method is used. |
String |
APIError | ||
ErrorNumber | Error Number | Integer |
ErrorField | Error Field | String |
ErrorMessage | Description of errors | String |
StatusCode | Status Code of Response i.e 0 = Method is executed successfully. -1 = There is an Error in Response. |
Integer |