Get GlobalSign Order Details

Get GlobalSign Order Details

Service URL:
This method allows the partner to get the Order detail of product of “GlobalSign” brand. This method cannot be used to get order detail of product of any other brand.
Refer the section “Product Table” for brand and product.

Request Parameters

Field Name Description Type Required
PartnerEmail SSL2Buy login Email String (Max Length : 200) Yes
ApiKey ApiKey String (Max Length : 100) Yes
OrderNumber SSL2Buy Order number Integer Yes

Response Parameters

Field Name Description Type
GlobalSignOrderID Global sign order id String
DomainName Domain name String
StartDate Start Date DateTime
EndDate End Date DateTime
ValidityPeriod Validity period in months Integer
OrderStatus Order status of GlobalSign. Refer section “Order Status” for different order status. String
InvoiceId Invoice ID Integer
ProductAmount Price of the Product Decimal
SAN Number of Additional Domains (SAN). Integer
PaidDate Invoice paid date DateTime
TotalAmount Total Amount of Invoice Decimal
ProductName Name of the Product String
Year Year Integer
ApproverEmail Approval email String
ApprovalMethod Approval Method to Approve Certificate String
URLMetaTag Meta tag to approve certificate String
URLVerificationDomains URL Verification domains to approve certificate String[]
DNSText DNS text to approve certificate String
DNSVerificationDomains DNS Verification domains to approve certificate String[]
FirstName First Name String
LastName Last Name String
Email Email address String
Phone Phone number String
FirstName Requestor’s First Name String
LastName Requestor’s Last Name String
Email Requestor’s Email String
PhoneNo Requestor’s Phone number String
OrganizationName Requestor’s Organization Name String
OrgUnit Requestor’s Organization Unit String
FunctionInOrg Requestor’s Function In Org String
FirstName Approval’s First Name String
LastName Approval’s Last Name String
Email Approval’s Email String
PhoneNo Approval’s Phone number String
OrganizationName Approval’s Organization Name String
OrgUnit Approval’s Organization Unit String
FunctionInOrg Approval’s Function In Org String
FirstName First Name String
LastName Last Name String
Email Email address String
PhoneNo Phone number String
OrganizationName Organization Name String
OrgUnit Organization Unit String
FunctionInOrg Function In Organization String
Email Organization Email String
LegalName Organization Legal Name String
AssumedName Organization Assumed Name String
Address1 Organization Address1 String
Address2 Organization Address2 String
City Organization City String
State Organization State String
Country Organization Country String
ZipCode Organization ZipCode String
PhoneNo Organization Phone Number String
Fax Organization Fax String
Division Organization Division String
Duns Organization Duns String
JurictionCity Juriction City String
JurictionState Juriction State String
JurictionCountry Juriction Country String
JurictionRegNo Juriction Reg No String
.. ErrorNumber Error Number. Refer section “Error Description”. Integer
.. ErrorField Error Field String
.. ErrorMessage Description of errors String
StatusCode Status Code for Response from API
0 = Success Response
-1 = Error in Response