Get Comodo Subscription Order Detail

Get Comodo Subscription Order Detail

Service URL:
This method allows partner to get comodo subscription order detail.

Request Parameters “ComodoSubscriptionOrderDetailRequest"

Field Name Description Type Required
PartnerEmail SSL2Buy login Email String (Max Length : 200) Yes
ApiKey ApiKey String (Max Length : 100) Yes
Pin Pin for the configuration link. String (Max Length : 2000) Yes

Response Parameters “ComodoSubscriptionOrderDetailResponse"

Field Name Description Type
OrderStatus Order Status. Refer section “Order Status” for different order status. String
ComodoOrderNumber Comodo Order Number String
DomainName Domain Name String
StartDate Certificate Start Date DateTime
EndDate Certificate End Date DateTime
ValidityPeriod Validity Period Integer
WebServer Web Server String
FirstName First Name String
LastName Last Name String
OrganizationName Organization Name String
Address1 Organization Address1 String
Address2 Organization Address2 String
Address3 Organization Address3 String
City Organization City String
State Organization State String
Country Organization Country String
OrganizationEmail Organization Email String
Phone Organization Phone Number String
Fax Organization Fax String
PostalCode Organization Postal code String
ApprovalEmail Approval Email String
JurictionCity Juriction City String
JurictionState Juriction State String
JurictionCountry Juriction Country String
InCorporationAgency In Corporation Agency String
InCorporationPhoneNo In Corporation PhoneNo String
OrgDuns Organisation Duns String
Title Title for CPAC / SMIME Certificate String
Email Email for CPAC / SMIME Certificate String
UserName UserName for CPAC / SMIME Certificate String
DomainName Domain Name of CSR String
Organisation Organisation Name of CSR String
OrganisationUnit Organisation Unit of CSR String
Locality Locality of CSR String
State State of CSR String
Country Country of CSR String
AdditionalDomainList List object of Additional Domain List
DomainName Domain Name String
ApproverEmail Approver Email String
Title Title of Requestor String
FirstName First Name of Requestor String
LastName Last Name of Requestor String
Email Email of Requestor String
Address1 Address1 of Requestor String
Address2 Address2 of Requestor String
City City of Requestor String
State State of Requestor String
Country Country of Requestor String
PostalCode Postal Code of Requestor String
Phone Phone Number of Requestor String
Relationship Relationship of Requestor String
Title Title of Approver String
FirstName First Name of Approver String
LastName Last Name of Approver String
Email Email of Approver String
Address1 Address1 of Approver String
Address2 Address2 of Approver String
City City of Approver String
State State of Approver String
Country Country of Approver String
PostalCode Postal Code of Approver String
Phone Phone Number of Approver String
Relationship Relationship of Approver String
Title Title of Contract Signer String
FirstName First Name of Contract Signer String
LastName Last Name of Contract Signer String
Email Email of Contract Signer String
Address1 Address1 of Contract Signer String
Address2 Address2 of Contract Signer String
City City of Contract Signer String
State State of Contract Signer String
Country Country of Contract Signer String
PostalCode Postal Code of Contract Signer String
Phone Phone Number of Contract Signer String
Relationship Relationship of Contract Signer String
.. ErrorNumber Error Number. Refer section “Error Description”. Integer
.. ErrorField Error Field String
.. ErrorMessage Description of errors String
StatusCode Status Code for Response from API
0 = Success Response
-1 = Error in Response