Comodo Parse CSR

Service URL:

Test Service URL:

This method allows the partner to parse the CSR

Request Parameters for “ComodoValidateAndParseCSRRequest”

Field Name Description Type Required
PartnerEmail SSL2Buy Login Email String (Max Length : 200) Yes
ApiKey SSL2Buy API Key String (Max Length : 100) Yes
CSR CSR String Yes
ProductCode SSL2Buy Product Code Integer Yes

Response Parameters for “ComodoValidateAndParseCSRResponse”

Field Name Description Type
DomainName Domain Name of CSR String
Country Country Name String
Locality Locality String
Organisation Organisation of CSR String
State State of CSR String
OrganisationUnit Organisation Unit of CSR String
KeySize Key size of CSR String
SAN Additional Domains exist in CSR String
MD5 MD5 Unique value String
SHA1Hash SHA1Hash Unique value String
PublicKey Public Key of CSR String
SHA256 SHA256 Unique value String
UniqueString Unique string of CSR String
.. ErrorNumber Error Number Integer
.. ErrorField Error Field String
.. ErrorMessage Description of errors String
StatusCode Status Code of Response
0 = Method is executed successfully.
-1 = There is an Error in Response.