DigiCert Wildcard Certificate

Service URL: https://api.ssl2buy.com/queryservice/DigicertFullOrder/DigicertBasicOVWildcard

This method allows partner to place the order for DigiCert Wildcard Certificate product only.

Request Parameters for “DigicertFullOrderRequest"

Field Name Description Type Required
PartnerEmail SSL2Buy login Email String (Max Length : 200) Yes
ApiKey SSL2Buy API KEY String (Max Length: 100) Yes
Year Validity of certificate Integer Yes
PartnerOrderID Partner should pass the Partner order number. String Yes
WebServer Web Server
Use method “GetDigicertWebServerList” to get web server list
String Yes

Domain Control Method to Approve Certificate
Possible values:

  • DNS
String Yes

To Approve Certificate (for only DCVMethod = DNS)Possible values:

  • fqdn
  • base_domain

fqdn = Exact Domain Name(s) (By default)
base_domain = Base Domain Name(s)

Note: Domain validation scope for domains on the order. Domain validation scope determines the specific domains that you must validate before DigiCert can issue your certificate.

Exact Domain Name(s) : This option allows you to validate domains on the order exactly as they are named.
Example : You add sub.subdomain.example.com, mail.example.com, and example.domain.com.Each domain is submitted for validation exactly as named: sub.subdomain.example.com, mail.example.com, and example.domain.com.

Base Domain Name(s) : The option allows you to validate the domains on the order at the base domain level. Validating the base domain also validates all subdomains of the base domain.
Example : You add sub.subdomain.example.com, mail.example.com, and example.domain.com. Only the base domains are submitted for validation: example.com and domain.com.

String No
ApprovalEmail Approval Email used to approve
String (Max Length: 200) Yes
CSR CSR to place full order String Yes
IssuingCA Issuing CA Text from Get Digicert CA Cert List Method (e.g. “DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1 (SHA2-256) > DigiCert Global Root G2 (SHA2-256)") String No
AddDomains Number of Additional Domains want to secure. Note: Default price is for 3 domains pack. Multi Domain SSL includes 3 domains default pack. If you need more than 3 domains licenses, then only you need to purchase additional domain licenses. Integer No
SanList Key value pair of SAN Domain and Approval method or emailFor example,
{“www.abc.com": “admin@abc.com", “www.xyz.com" : “HTTPCSRHASH", “www.test.com" : “CNAMECSRHASH"}
Array No
AdminContactInfo Object with information about the admin contact information Object Yes
.. Title Contact Title String (Max Length: 200) Yes
.. FirstName Contact First Name String (Max Length: 200) Yes
.. LastName Contact Last Name String (Max Length: 200) Yes
.. Email Contact Email String (Max Length: 200) Yes
.. PhoneNo Contact Phone Number String (Max Length: 200) Yes
TechnicalContactInfo Object with information about the technical contact information Object Yes
.. Title Contact Title String (Max Length: 200) Yes
.. FirstName Contact First Name String (Max Length: 200) Yes
.. LastName Contact Last Name String (Max Length: 200) Yes
.. Email Contact Email String (Max Length: 200) Yes
.. PhoneNo Contact Phone Number String (Max Length: 200) Yes
.. Name Orgranisation Name String (Max Length : 1000) Yes
.. AssumedName Orgranisation Assumed Name String (Max Length : 1000) No
.. Division Orgranisation Division String (Max Length : 1000) No
.. Duns Orgranisation DUNS String (Max Length : 1000) No
.. Address1 Orgranisation Located Address Line 1 String (Max Length : 1000) Yes
.. Address2 Orgranisation Located Address Line 2 String (Max Length : 1000) No
.. City Orgranisation Located City String (Max Length : 250) Yes
.. State Orgranisation Located State String (Max Length : 250) Yes
.. Country Orgranisation Located Country String (Max Length : 250) Yes
.. ZipCode Orgranisation Located Zip Code String (Max Length : 250) Yes
.. PhoneNo Orgranisation Located Phone String (Max Length : 250) Yes
.. Fax Orgranisation Located Fax String (Max Length : 250) No

Response Parameters for “DigicertFullOrderResponse”

Field Name Description Type
SSL2BuyOrderNumber SSL2Buy Order number Integer
DigicertOrderNumber Digicert Order Number String
DigicertCertificateId Digicert Certificate ID String
DomainName Domain Name String

Domain Control Method to Approve Certificate

Possible values

  1. EMAIL
  2. FILE
  3. DNS
ApprovalEmail This value is used to approve certificate when EMAIL DCV method is used. String
DCVRandomValue DCV Random Value
This value is used to approve certificate when FILE OR DNS DCV method is used.
ErrorNumber Error Number Integer
ErrorField Error Field String
ErrorMessage Description of errors String
StatusCode Status Code of Response
0 = Method is executed successfully.
-1 = There is an Error in Response.