GlobalSign EV SSL

Service URL:

Test Service URL:

This method allows the partner to purchase GlobalSign EV SSL Certificate

Request Parameters

Field Name Description Type Required
PartnerEmail SSL2Buy Login Email String (Max Length : 200) Yes
ApiKey SSL2Buy API Key String (Max Length : 100) Yes
PartnerOrderID Partner should pass the order number. String (Max Length : 50) Yes
ApprovalEmail Approval Email String Yes
CSR CSR to place full order
CSR must be for *
String Yes

Note: It’s applicable for multi-year order only. By default, It’s FALSE.

  • True:
    • Before the certificate expires, the configuration process will be automated using the current CSR, DCV Method, and contact details for the next year’s subscription process.
    • Please note that once the configuration is processed for next year, Domain Validation will be necessary.
    • Once the configuration is finished, you’ll receive an email with instructions for completing domain validation and installing the certificate.
  • False:
    • If you prefer to configure your next year’s subscription manually, you can start a new one with a different CSR and contact details. If you wish to set up your subscription for the next year manually, this option would be the right choice.
Boolean No
Year Validity
Maximum Validity allowed is 2 Year
Integer Yes
IsRenew Order Renew or New? Boolean No
ApprovalMethod Approval Method to Approve Certificate
Possible values

  • DNS
  • URL
String Yes
IsAutoDiscover Secure the autodiscover subdomain on your domain for Exchange 2007 Boolean No
IsMail Secure the mail subdomain on your domain for Exchange 2007 Boolean No
IsOWA Secure the owa subdomain on your domain for Exchange 2007 Boolean No
AddDomains Number of Additional domains wants to secure with certificate Integer No
AdditionalDomains Specify Additional domains separated by comma(,).
String No
ContactInfo Object with information about the contact information Object Yes
.. Title Title. Ignore for this product. String (Max Length : 50) No
.. FirstName Contact First Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. LastName Contact Last Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. Email Contact Email String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. OrganizationName Organization Name. Ignore for this product. String (Max Length : 200) No
.. OrganizationUnit Organization Unit. Ignore for this product. String (Max Length : 200) No
.. Phone Phone number String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. FunctionInOrg Function in Organization. Ignore for this product. String (Max Length : 200) No
ProductCode Product Code Integer Yes
OrganizationInfo Object with information about the organization information. Object Yes
.. OrganizationName Organization Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. OrganizationAssumedName Organization Assumed Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. OrganizationEmail Organization Email String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. OrganizationDivision Organization Division String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. OrganizationDUNS Organization DUNS String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. AddressLine1 Address Line1 String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. AddressLine2 Address Line2 String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. City City String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. State State String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. PostalCode Postal Code String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. Country Country String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. Phone Phone String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. Fax Fax String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. OrgType Organization Type String (Max Length : 200) Yes
RequestorInfo Object with information about the requestor information. Object Yes
.. Title Requestor Title String (Max Length : 200) No
.. FirstName Requestor First Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. LastName Requestor Last Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. Email Requestor Email String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. OrganizationName Requestor Organization Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. OrganizationUnit Requestor Organization Unit String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. Phone Phone String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. FunctionInOrg Requestor Function In Org String (Max Length : 200) Yes
ApproverInfo Object with information about the Approver information. Object Yes
.. Title Approver Title String (Max Length : 200) No
.. FirstName Approver First Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. LastName Approver Last Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. Email Approver Email String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. OrganizationName Approver Organization Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. OrganizationUnit Approver Organization Unit String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. Phone Phone String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. FunctionInOrg Approver Function In Org String (Max Length : 200) Yes
SignerInfo Object with information about the Signer information. Object Yes
.. Title Signer Title String (Max Length : 200) No
.. FirstName Signer First Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. LastName Signer Last Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. Email Signer Email String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. OrganizationName Signer Organization Name String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. OrganizationUnit Signer Organization Unit String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. Phone Phone String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. FunctionInOrg Signer Function In Org String (Max Length : 200) Yes
JuridctionInfo Object with information about the Juridction information. Yes
.. Country Juridction Country String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. State Juridction State String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. Locality Juridction Locality String (Max Length : 200) Yes
.. AgencyRegNumber Juridction AgencyRegNumber String (Max Length : 200) Yes

Response Parameters

Field Name Description Type
SSL2BuyOrderNumber SSL2Buy Order number Integer
GSOrderNumber Global Sign Order number String
URLMetaTag Meta tag to approve certificate String
URLVerificationDomains URL Verification domains to approve certificate String []
DNSText DNS text to approve certificate String
DNSVerificationDomains DNS Verification domains to approve certificate String []
.. ErrorNumber Error Number Integer
.. ErrorField Error Field String
.. ErrorMessage Description of errors String

Status Code of Response

0 = Method is executed successfully.

-1 = There is an Error in Response.
